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Commission for Disability Inclusion

Commission for Disability Inclusion

The Commission for Disability Inclusion is a permanent commission of theExtended Executive Board of the University. The purpose of the commission is to promote inclusion, especially disability inclusion. It supports the governing bodies of the university, faculties and institutes in their efforts to achieve an inclusion-sensitive and accessible culture at UZH.

Composition of the commission

The Commission for Inclusion consists of the elected representatives of the faculties and the four bodies: students, junior researchers, advanced researchers and teachers, administrative and technical staff.

The members are elected by the Extended Executive Board of the University on the proposal of the faculties and the individual groups for a term of four years. Re-election is possible.

Commission members

Prof. Dr. iur. Rolf Sethe LL.M.
President Commission for Disability Inclusion

Prof. Dr. Matthias D. Wüthrich
Representative Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion

Prof. Dr. Walter Boente
Representative Faculty of Law

Prof. Dr. Thomas Fritz
Representative Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Prof. Dr. Claudia Witt
Representative Faculty of Medicine

Representative Vetsuisse Faculty

Prof. Dr. Franziska Felder
Representative Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Representative Faculty of Science

Dr. Camilla Bernardasci
Representative Senior Researchers and Teaching Staff

Lena Hänni
Representative young Academics

Donata Mikosch Tinembart
Representative administrative and technical Staff

Jasmin Mahr
Representative Students

Members without voting rights

Benjamin Börner 
General Manager of the Commission for Disability Inclusion

Martina Schweizer
Behindertenkonferenz ZH